Eastern screech owls are strictly nocturnal, which makes the sight of them during the day all that more special.
Ear tufts are prominent if raised ... max­welliae is the palest and most faintly marked. The western screech owl’s bill is blackish or dark gray at the base, but gray-plumaged individuals ...
(Photo by Linda Shaw) In addition to distinctive, species-specific plumage differences, of these species, only the screech owl has “ear tufts.” These are two little peaks of feathers on top of ...
Great horns are the largest owl in America with ear tufts. The tall and puffy tufts are a collection of feathers located just above each eye that look like ears or horns, hence the name.
The great horned owl is the most common owl of the Americas, easily recognizable because of the feather tufts on its head. These “plumicorns” resemble horns or, to some, catlike ears.
Elf owls are compact little birds, with yellow eyes, short tails, no ear tufts and larger-than-usual heads for their body size ...