While one pup must face his past in Adventure City, the team finds help from a new ally, the savvy dachshund Liberty. Together, the PAW Patrol fights to save the citizens of Adventure City.
Cast and crew members from PAW Patrol Live! “A Mighty Adventure” visited the Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh ahead of its ...
But during Paw Patrol: A Mighty Adventure, your little ones will be able to sing, dance, and move in their chairs while having fun with the cast. It’s the one time as a parent you don’t have ...
Whether rescuing a kitten or saving a train from a rockslide, the PAW Patrol is always up for the challenge while also making sure there's time for a game or a laugh.
Whether rescuing a kitten or saving a train from a rockslide, the PAW Patrol is always up for the challenge while also making sure there's time for a game or a laugh.