If China wanted to disable the Panama Canal to stop the flow of U.S. ships, it likely could do so via a cyberattack, Chuck Holton says.
(Ciudad de Panamá-ANPanamá) La empresa CK Hutchison ha decidido no firmar el próximo 2 abril el acuerdo para vender sus dos operaciones portuarias cercanas al Canal de Panamá a un grupo liderado por BlackRock, según una publicación de la agencia Reuters.
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Panama’s response has been strategically sophisticated. Amb. Eloy Alfaro formally invoked UN Charter Article 2 (4) prohibiting “threats against territorial integrity,” while Vice Minister Carlos Guevara Mann marshaled multilateral support through the Organization of American States.
El canal de Panamá sigue en el ojo del huracán geopolítico. China, a través del diario afín Ta Kung Pao, ha exigido a CK Hutchinson que cancele la venta de los puertos panameños de Cristóbal y Balboa
Beijing’s threat to stop a tycoon’s sale of his ports business has dealmakers wondering if they can still operate without political interference.
The Panama Canal's strategic importance has largely flown under the public radar. Handling 5% of global trade and serving as a vital conduit for the U.S. Navy, the canal is essential infrastructure that directly impacts American economic and military interests.
Panama has invested $6 billion in modernizing the Panama Canal.Trump is threatening to take it back.
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Perhaps the recent fuss over the Panama Canal will deliver one worthy result: U.S. Navy ships won’t have to pay a fee to move through the isthmus that divides two oceans. If that’s the outcome ...