A Maryland vulture that appeared to be mourning its long-time mate last month has also died, according to the property owner ...
The purpose of the vulture's 'beard' has been a long-standing mystery, but new photographic analysis suggests a potential ...
Multiple Types of Vultures Live in the U.S. Three types of vultures live in the United States—the turkey vulture, black vulture and California condor (which is a vulture bird, despite not having ...
What is the white-backed vulture? The white-backed vulture is the most common and widespread vulture in sub-Saharan Africa. It is recognizable by its dark-brown face, long, white neck, and of ...
Part of a hiking trail near Fisherman's Park in Harford County was shut down after officials said they found dead vultures ...
Dozens of dead vultures discovered at the Conowingo Dam between Cecil and Harford counties over the weekend are being tested ...
Vultures have long evoked images of death, hovering over ailing animals and feeding off their rotting corpses. But the near extinction of the scavenger birds in India during the 1990s led to the ...
Then he saw the rubber seals torn from his sunroof and dangling from his windows. When Gelber saw a couple of black vultures lurking nearby, he thought he was looking at the likely perpetrators. “It ...