Seventy-seven long-finned pilot whales washed ashore on Thursday on ... The fact is that some whale species live in social groups, “pods”, with a leader the others follow.
Early Monday morning, marine biologist Carrie Newell with Whale Research EcoExcursions reported seeing a pod of orcas north ...
A rare sighting of critically endangered southern resident killer whales off the Oregon coast offers a glimpse of a ...
That was a pod of more than 160 whales that landed on a beach near Stanley on the northwest coast. Strandings in Tasmania are usually pilot whales. Clark declined to speculate on why the latest ...
Pilot whale strandings “have happened for centuries ... The current theory is that the whole pod followed a female who was giving birth. One of the dead whales “appeared to have a vaginal ...
Just before noon, the parks and wildlife service reported that four pods of as many as 160 pilot whales were stranded in the water and spread across an area of roughly 1,600 feet, with 26 whales ...
Rescuers are trying to free a pod of long-finned pilot whales stranded off the Australian island of Tasmania. Around 470 whales are in the pod, more than half of which have already died ...
Essex Wildlife Hospital says the two pilot whales were part of a pod who had died at a previous stranding. The tourist who found the whale says he believes it was washed in by the tide.
That was a pod of more than 160 whales that landed on a beach near Stanley on the northwest coast. Strandings in Tasmania are usually pilot whales. Clark declined to speculate on why the latest ...
A pod of orcas swam close to shore and amazed onlookers in Seattle by treating the whale watchers to the rare sight of the apex predators hunting a bird. And the unusual spectacle was all caught ...