Using the right tools properly is a key. And some experts say Q-tips and cotton swabs aren't a good method for cleaning your ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Most people don't use Q-tips properly and wind up putting them inside their ears to feel "clean." Big mistake! Not only is ear wax good for you, but putting a Q-Tip ...
An curved arrow pointing right. NYU Otologist Erich Voigt explains the proper way to clean wax out of your ears. Many people think Q-tips can help keep ears clean, but this isn't the case.
While it's OK to clean the outer ear, you should avoid using Q-tips as a cleaning device. Most health care professionals advise against cleaning the inner ear with Q-tips because it can push the ...
An audiologist has issued an urgent message, warning people to stop touching their ears as the way they're doing it could be ...