Chamomile tea is long known for its soothing and calming effects which helps you sleep peacefully But did you know that it can provide relief from nausea Read this article to find out ...
Just boil fennel seeds, strain, and sip this aromatic tea to ease bloating and acid reflux. Fresh veggie smoothies like cucumber or spinach, are alkaline and fibre rich. They help cool acidity, boost ...
But peppermint can irritate the upper esophagus, so it should not be used if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Cold and flu Some people report that mint tea relieves cold and flu ...
You can try cutting back on your overall fat consumption to help avoid reflux. READ ALSO: 8 Foods to avoid pairing with tea or coffee Bed tea or coffee is one of the worst drink habits one may ...
One explanation for this unexpected finding, Lee explains, is a chemical in tea called theophylline, which previous studies have found could lead to acid reflux, potentially raising the risk of ...
This may help alleviate nighttime reflux and promote better sleep, says the expert. While water is the best option, you can ...
Whether you consume it as tea, grated into meals, or in smoothie form, ginger may help reduce irritation in the oesophagus and relieve nausea associated with acid reflux. Vegetables like spinach ...
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a well-known home remedy for acidity and gas problems. Its traditional uses include reducing intestinal gas and flatulence, soothing the stomach lining, and decreasing ...