A story of control and competition unfolds, with the ongoing feud between OpenAI co-founders, Elon Musk and Sam Altman.
Bari Weiss at the Free Press interviewed Sam Altman, the creator of ChatGPT technologies and leader at OpenAI, about the ...
Altman said he believes much of Musk's animosity is rooted in OpenAI's recent success and the fact that he now runs a direct ...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman says he is "not that worried" about tech competitor Elon Musk's influence in the forthcoming Trump administration, despite their ongoing legal dispute. The entrepreneur ...
Sam Altman called Elon Musk a “bully” for his continued criticism of and several lawsuits against OpenAI, the organization ...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warned of the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and the rise of superintelligence during an appearance at the New York Times DealBook Summit last week.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman sat before Congress in 2023 to testify about the dangers of AI. He told American lawmakers at the time that he owns no equity in OpenAI, something he’s said many times ...
Mark Zuckerberg emerged from his Harvard dorm room in 2004. And now, after years of stasis in Silicon Valley, we have Sam Altman. It's easy to laugh at our desperation for crumbs of wisdom from ...
Sam Altman, CEO of artificial-intelligence power player OpenAI, believes that the next major developments in the AI sector will be more disruptive than people expect. Altman, speaking at the New ...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who is in a legal dispute with rival Elon Musk, said said he is “not that worried” about Musk’s influence in the incoming Trump administration. Altman told a New York ...