Korean drama series follows the classic school fight formula, with Hwang Min-hyun playing a reluctant newcomer who stands up ...
Lovely Runner is a television Korean Drama Available on Netflix in which a pop star lost his life and found herself in the ...
Here is everything about the upcoming MBC drama Undercover High School, including the story, cast, preview, spoilers, and streaming details.
High school students Lee Doo-Hak and Choi Cheol-woong are best friends at the start of the Korean drama Oasis. Yet the history of their families defines how they must behave toward each other and ...
Joan Vos MacDonald is a New York-based writer who covers Korean media ... Choice This drama is the story of three children who grow up together and act like siblings in high school.
Unlike those books, which bring K-drama tropes to America, “XO, Kitty” follows the youngest Song sister to Korea where she ...