Archaeologists Stunned to Find Evidence of a Town Supporting a Biblical Tale of Angels Killing 185,000 Soldiers Biblical ...
Military camps used by the Assyrian king Sennacherib, whose exploits of laying siege to Lachish and Jerusalem are detailed in ...
The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold, And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold; And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea, When the blue wave rolls nightly on ...
"What makes this exhibit significant," explains, Michael Danti, Director of Iraq Heritage Stabilization Program, "is that our excavations inside of one of the gates of the ancient city of Nineveh ...
At the end of the 8th century BC the Assyrian King Sennacherib chose Nineveh as his capital and built what he called the 'Palace without Rival', decorating it with finely carved reliefs.
The Destruction of Sennacherib is a short narrative poem retelling a Biblical story from the Old Testament (2 Kings, chapter 19) in which God destroys King Sennacherib’s Assyrian army as they ...
You can discover a lot about a poem by comparing it to one by another author that deals with a similar subject. You could compare features such as theme, form, structure, rhythm, language and ...