A sponge is an essential household cleaning product, but it can be used for much more than sopping up spills and shining dishes. The sponge's absorbent, soft, and lightweight properties make it ...
Ghanaian dermatologist Dr. Roseline Osazuwa has cautioned against the excessive use of the local sponge for bathing.
"The sponge bath should start with washing the face and working downwards until you are done," says Daryznkiewicz. "As you get comfortable you can extend the bath but you want to make sure your ...
Then do a final all-over sponge rinse before wrapping baby in a hooded towel to pat dry. Jennifer Shu, MD (cont.) A relaxing bath helps babies sleep. Try to time the routine accordingly and take ...
Fever makes you lose fluids quickly! A lukewarm sponge bath can help cool your body gradually. Avoid cold showers—they can cause shivering and raise body temperature. Ginger has antibacterial ...