Das Havelland rätselt: Sieben weiße Streifen am blauen Himmel, wie mit dem Lineal gezogen, sind am Donnerstagmorgen in vielen ...
the KC-135 Stratotanker is a military version of the 1950s-era 707 commercial passenger jet. The Air Force inventory of 732 aircraft are more than 50 years old and have been retrofitted several ...
an aircraft that will replace the KC-135 Stratotanker, which has served the Air Force for over 60 years. The Air Force ...
Narrator: That's Major Mike Vilven. He evaluates pilots who have trained on the KC-135 Stratotanker. Vilven: Before we even take off, there is anywhere from two to four hours of mission planning ...
City folk may have been stirred from sleep early this morning by the roar of military aircraft flying overhead. At around 6.20am, two F-35s and two F-15s - fighter jets based at RAF Lakenheath - were ...
A 'very rare' United States Air Force Stratotanker has been pictured flying through the Lake District. The KCR-135R Stratotanker was photographed flying over the Lake District on Thursday, ...