The six-foot Atlantic Sturgeon was captured, transported, and re-located to an area of Savannah River immediately below the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam at Baurle Boat Ramp, according to Gray.
The spring catch-and-release sturgeon season on Rainy River has seen many big fish including one that measured more than 80-inches, according to Department of Natural Resources officials.
The corps contended that the lock and dam disrupted the traditional Savannah River spawning path for endangered Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon. The corps recommended building a fixed rock weir ...
The agency found listing the sturgeon as threatened or endangered may be warranted based on threats from dams and hydroelectric facilities, along with river dredging and channelization. Other threats ...
The Lake of the Woods/Rainy River population, like other lake sturgeon populations in Minnesota, has been threatened by the combined effects of past overharvesting, decades of industrial water ...