I was sorry that she did not feel I was paying her enough, and that she felt the need to seek compensation from my guests.
I said I was sorry that she did not feel I was paying her enough, and that she felt the need to seek compensation from my ...
Twitter's new Tip Jar feature, which lets you send money to your favorite Twitter users, is nice, but it also has a glaring privacy issue which you should be aware of. Security researcher Rachel ...
A New Haven woman was arrested for allegedly breaking into a restaurant and stealing money from the tip jar, according to ...
Tip jars at house parties are a big no-no. Getty Images. Getty Images DEAR MISS MANNERS: I hold an annual party, for which I hire a person to assist me in setting it up, maintaining the buffet and ...
She has always done a great job. At the most recent party, however, I noticed she had set up a tip jar next to the drinks. I was horrified. I went over and grabbed the jar, then pulled her aside ...
Unsubscribe anytime. At chain restaurants, where staffers are paid minimum wage or better to take and fill orders, there’s no tipping allowed—and no tip jars (score one for the chains). In some ...
She has always done a great job. At the most recent party, however, I noticed she had set up a tip jar next to the drinks. I was horrified. I went over and grabbed the jar, then pulled her aside ...
She has always done a great job. At the most recent party, however, I noticed she had set up a tip jar next to the drinks. I was horrified. I went over and grabbed the jar, then pulled her aside ...