Drinking tonic water, which contains quinine, is unlikely to trigger the worrisome adverse effects that may occur when you take Qualaquin pills. Even if you choose a tonic water high in quinine ...
Sure, a glass of soda and another of tonic water may look the same, but take a sip and you'll quickly like that these beverages are dramatically different.
The Mediterranean and another cocktail on the menu, the whisky-based “Square Root” are infused with tea infusions that are ...
Winston Churchill, a man of great passions, including fine dining and spirits, had a special fondness for gin and tonic. According to him, this refreshing combination was not only a remedy against ...
While there is no shortage of non-alcoholic drinks on the market that mimic the experience of having a drink, whenever I have a craving for a cocktail but don't feel like drinking, I make myself a ...
“I was turned on to drinking tonic water, which contains quinine that reduces nighttime leg cramps. I enjoy fresh lime juice in my tonic water, but with very bad arthritis, it is painful to ...
Staff Writer The science room is dark at M.W. Savage Elementary School, lit only by a black light and narrow streams of light peeking though the window shades. A scientist ...