The Dixie Valley toad has tan and black-specked “parotoid glands” — external skin glands on their backs, necks, and shoulders. • This animal is one of the smallest in the “true toad” family. • The ...
Just check out this adorable video where Toad kindly says “please” before his mom gives him a tasty treat, and you’ll see ...
Use Toads to Get Rid of Insects in the Garden — No Matter Where you Live Eighteen species of true toads live in this country, with at least a few kinds to be found in every state in the union ...
True to its name, the Mount Po Ma Lung toothed toad has a row of tiny teeth on the roof of its mouth, known as vomerine teeth ...
It’s not until it perceives a threat that this flashy amphibian reveals its true colors. Oriental fire-bellied toads secrete toxins from their skin, and they want potential predators to know it.
The Dixie Valley toad has tan and black-specked “parotoid glands” — external skin glands on their backs, necks, and shoulders. • This animal is one of the smallest in the “true toad” family. • The ...