The 1990s steroid scandal surrounding Vince McMahon has been one of the most talked about controversies in the history of professional wrestling. The pressure of maintaining a muscular physique as ...
Despite being Vince McMahon's golden goose of WWE, it comes as a shock that he didn't want John Cena in his company during ...
Vince McMahon has had a long and storied history ... One of the topics covered in the doc is the then-WWF's 1994 steroid trial. McMahon took on the United States over the suspicion of supplying ...
During the 1994 steroid trial, Vince McMahon admitted to using steroids. Following this, he declared WWE drug-free and presumably stopped taking the drugs himself. He stayed in shape for a long ...
During Vince McMahon’s steroid distribution trial, Hulk Hogan testified under immunity from prosecution that usage was "fairly common" among wrestlers working for WWF in the '80s and that he ...
And from the steroids, he said. Billington told CNN that ... Chairman of the Board Vince McMahon. McMahon, appearing with Linda McMahon, his wife and WWE CEO, told CNN: "Nothing from the WWE ...
Vince McMahon may be long gone from the wrestling industry, but he continues to make an impression on fans. The grappling emperor will forever be linked to his role in turning his family business ...
This was when I started to use just about every type of steroids and supplements I could get my hands on,” Vincent recalls adding, “With my size, I became the darling among many women in the ...