"We didn't know they were up there." Wildlife experts thrilled to discover rare species thriving in unexpected location: ...
The eyes are small; the ears short and nearly hidden by the fur surrounding them. Characters useful in distinguishing this species from other Adirondack voles include fur color and texture, and tail ...
Voles are rodents related to mice and rats. They are notable for the variety of their breeding systems (some species are monogamous, others promiscuous), their extraordinarily high rate of evolution, ...
Within this geographic area, the rock vole occurs in small populations in scattered locations. This limited distribution is a consequence of habitat preference, and to come extent, results from the ...
There are new hopes to save the UK's fastest declining mammal species from extinction New colonies ... Usually found across riverbanks in Wales, water voles have now taken up habitat in the ...
The board strongly denies causing harm to water voles, a protected species, and the surroundings. Water voles are protected under Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and are listed as rare and ...
New colonies of the UK's fastest declining mammal species have been discovered in the uplands of south Wales. Usually found across riverbanks in Wales, water voles have now taken up habitat in the ...