A dogged search for walrus ivory may have brought two unlikely cultures together — the Thule Inuits of the Arctic and the Norse of Greenland — hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus set ...
The study is now published in Science Advances. In Medieval Europe, there was an enormous demand for elite products, among ...
Caption This is an example of an elaborately-carved ecclesiastical walrus ivory plaque from the beginning of the medieval walrus ivory trade, featuring the figure of Christ, together with St Mary ...
The chessman is a king on horseback made out of walrus ivory. It was probably made in Germany or Scandinavia and is one of the finest chessmen of medieval date found in England. The loss of such a ...
And for a walrus to hit one of us can be lethal.” Indeed, their ivory tusks can be nearly two feet long. Hooked into ice like an ax, they help a walrus clamber from the sea. They also jab rivals ...
The chess pieces consist of elaborately worked walrus ivory and whales' teeth in the form of seated kings and queens, bishops, knights on their mounts, standing warders and pawns in the shape of ...