Humans aren’t the only ones who are prone to road rage. Scientists have found that certain songbirds in the Galapagos behave ...
The Galápagos yellow warblers on the more populous island of Santa Cruz also increased the duration of their song when ...
This Wilson's warbler, a small yellow-colored songbird, has a special field mark that makes it easy to identify—a black cap ...
Birds adjust their songs and territorial behavior to compete with traffic sounds, even in remote island environments.
You won't want to miss these beautiful bird pictures! Each photo was submitted by a Birds & Blooms reader and showcases the ...
Birds develop "road rage" due to traffic noise, reveals a new study. Researchers found that native species in the Galápagos ...
A new study has discovered that birds in the Galápagos Islands are changing their behavior due to traffic noise, with those ...
In the U.S. 42 species of birds have low and steeply declining populations that put them on the brink of disaster, scientists ...
“People tend to have an unconscious bias towards male birds, and that’s often because they’re brighter and easier to identify ...
The U.S. bird population is declining at an alarming rate, according to a report published Thursday by an alliance of science ...