As advancements in AI, autonomous driving, and Web 3.0 fuel demand for high-performance computing, the high-end semiconductor industry is experiencing rapid growth.
For the embedded systems developer, stereotypes abound. The image of young, specialized high-tech workers toiling in a computer-filled lab, sipping Jolt cola late into the night is popular with the ...
When you want to use object-oriented concepts in programming but must program in C, are there ways to get the OOP into the C? Here is collection of selected articles on adapting object-oriented ...
Although good watchdog hardware is key, it's the software that really makes it work. Jack explains how to keep an eye on your dog. Since watchdog timers (WDTs) are our last line of defense when the ...
This series delves into all aspects of real time operating systems (RTOS) and is intended for any developer who is curious about how to use an RTOS and how they work.
In a world increasingly shaped by technology, engineers have a moral obligation to consider the consequences of their choices. In 1985, I sold six in-circuit emulators to the government of Iraq. Today ...
The county has been repaving my street for the last few weeks. Workers brought in a big, noisy machine that ate away two inches of the old surface in a single pass, feeding a few cubic meters of ...
Jack Ganssle, the MVP of ESD and, reflects on how a good concept 24 years ago touched his life and those of other developers. If you've made it to this column, at the very end of the ...
Metastability is not just a social disease. It could hamper your software's ability to read good data from hardware. Last month I discussed the general problem of making software that reads ...
In the two decades or so that I've been writing this column, we've covered a lot of topics, ranging from the best implementation of abs(x) to CRC algorithms to logic theory, Karnaugh maps, and ...
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In 1989 Tyler Sperry, then editor of the print publication Embedded Systems Programming, asked me to write a monthly column for the magazine. That morphed into Embedded Systems Design which in turn ...