Not only is alcohol a risk to your liver, but it can also significantly increase your risk for multiple types of cancer, a ...
Most adults in the United States drink alcohol, but there is steadily growing public concern about the health effects of ...
Two reports are set to influence American guidelines for alcohol consumption ...
Alcohol should have a warning label on it Alcohol consumption in Canada is on the decline. In 2022, alcohol consumption decreased by 1.2% compared to 2021. And in 2023, 54% of Canadians reported ...
There are several reasons women face more barriers when trying to get help with problem drinking, say experts.
Plus, females are generally smaller than males. This is why alcohol intake recommendations differ by sex. Research links heavy drinking with negative health effects, like high cholesterol.
“Alcohol is a well-established ... One of the reports meant to inform the next edition of dietary guidelines – requested by Congress and published last month by the National Academies of ...
The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans, from the US Department of Health and Human Services and US Department of Agriculture, say that men should limit their daily alcohol intake to two ...