A great report by Peter Loose! Bevendean Down has been my NENYD (nearest event not yet done) since early 2023 as I had been deterred by fears that my ageing legs may struggle with the ascent and ...
With the weather this week being what could only be described as changeable, or as described by RD 'Rick Storm' as 'mild', I have to say I was more than happy to be the volunteer 'Loo-tenant' (yes it ...
Well my wife (Lorraine) and I finally made York parkrun. We had planned to come a year past May but the train drivers strike put paid to that. This time we were hoping that the storm wouldn’t cause it ...
I chose to do DofE for the experience of the expedition with my friends. I have chosen to do my volunteering at parkrun because I was comfortable with the people and my surroundings as I already ...