Lidl and Aldi are grocery stores with similar names, origins, and vibes, but the two are not the same thing, nor are both ...
The chain went international beginning in 1967. Aldi Nord (north) operates about 2,200 stores in Germany, along with locations in Belgium, Netherlands, France, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
When the two ran into a dispute over whether or not to sell cigarettes, the company was split into two parts, Aldi Nord (North) and Aldi Sud (South). Each company operates independently ...
In 1961, the brothers decided to split the company into Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud and with that split Karl obtained the rights to the Aldi brand in the U.S, while Theo went on to create the Trader ...
Aldi Nord, became involved with Trader Joe's. Coulombe remained with the company until 1989, The LA Times reported, and Aldi Nord allowed the day-to-day running of Trader Joe's to remain the same.