The DC Extended Universe took a few creative liberties when bringing iconic DC Comics characters like Wonder Woman and Shazam ...
Both Barry Allen and Wally West's Flash had incredibly impactful races that earned them each the title of the Fastest Man ...
James Gunn's most recent comments on the DCU's canon are the perfect explanation for what is and what isn't part of the universe. To avoid confusion, he should let the matter die there.
Vampire-Aquaman has already taken Scott Free and his daughter, while the heroes have found Big Barda. Aquaman, sent by Grodd to retrieve the child alive, decides instead to drown her and Mister ...
Aquaman is one of those, gaining his wife Mera’s hydrokinesis. This first issue of his new series sees him learning the ropes with these new powers, but during the battle with a mysterious water ...
Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms preview From what I understand, it was not just a colouring error, the creative team got the Aquababy wrong, and the editorial team didn't notice or didn ...