If you're looking to pick up some new outdoor gear or apparel for less, the REI sale section can't be beat. Here are the best ...
We tested the best winter hiking boots from KEEN, Oboz, Salomon, Lowa, and more to help you find the best option for your ...
Base layers are essential and this bright and fun raspberry colored next-to-skin long-sleeved top is a steal with $21 off in ...
REI is currently knocking up to 50% off everything from base layers and accessories to parkas and snow pants. Some of our ...
Learn from Iga Swiatek, Marta Kostyuk and Ekaterina Alexandrova on how to stay warm during tennis matches without sacrificing performance.
In Idaho's Sawtooth National Recreation Area, the Redfish Lake Trail offers a romantic escape surrounded by beauty.
We reviewed the best men’s sneakers to help you pick the right pair for your next adventure, whether it’s close to home or far away.
It's available in two shapes and two colors. Promising review: "We live in a very cold area where overnight temperatures are ...
These warm, waterproof lace-up boots manage to keep you dry and comfortable even in frigid winter temperatures, but not at ...
In this Alaska packing list for summer, you'll get in-depth real-world advice on what to bring (and what to leave at home).