The beloved animated children’s show Bluey will soon become a part of the Disney theme parks and cruises family. On Thursday (December 19), the Walt Disney Company announced in a press release ...
Bluey: The Movie won't be out until 2027, but here's where you can still have fun with the Heeler family this year.
The beloved characters of BLUEY are officially coming to Disney’s parks and cruise lines! In a press release from Walt Disney ...
Bluey, the adorable dog, will soon be headed to Disney Parks and Cruise Line, beginning in 2025, and we've got the details.
the Walt Disney Company announced Thursday. The company said that Bluey, along with her sister Bingo, will be onboard cruises originating from Australia and New Zealand starting in January 2025.
The beloved animated children’s show Bluey will soon become a part of the Disney theme parks and cruises family. On Thursday (December 19), the Walt Disney Company announced in a press release that ...