Ishana Chadha's project, which explores the intricacies of brain cells, has earned her a place among the final 40 students selected from a pool of talented young researchers from across the United ...
The six students were among 40 finalists nationwide that were announced Thursday in the Regeneron Science Talent Search, the country's most prestigious science research competition.
Last year, two Westchester students were named Regeneron Science Talent Search finalists and both finished in the top 10, winning significant awards.
In the new program, which began this fall, students learn skills such as metalwork and beading, as well as branding and how ...
The 16-year-old Rockmart player was allegedly provoked by the Sonoraville player because he “kept calling him the N-word and ...
A Georgia high school basketball player's on-court violent outburst turned barbaric enough to raise the interest of local ...
Hochul’s proposal leaves many specifics in the hands of school districts, giving local officials some degree of control over how the policy might operate in practice in New York City.