An east Alabama school system is re-starting the process of building a new high school. There have been plans to build a ...
Three people wanted for the disappearance of a Huntsville realtor have a history of kidnapping, among other charges.
Longtime readers of Budding Trends (and there are dozens of you) know that I have been saying over and over recently that – ...
The bill has been amended to be known as Parker’s Law, for the child of the mother who first shared her story.
Alabama lawmakers are seeking to borrow additional money for prison construction to ensure the state can build a second 4,000-bed prison.
Governor Kay Ivey says her number one priority this legislative session is to improve public safety. There's a package of ...
One health care official shared some tough statistics about the state’s health care system during the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce State of Health presentation.
While the city itself has little control over how quickly cases move through the courts, Woodfin said leaders are advocating for solutions at the state level.
There have been no appeals or objections, thus far, to a quarry near the Cleburne and Calhoun County line, but some area ...
There have been no appeals or objections, thus far, to a quarry near the Cleburne and Calhoun County line, but some area ...