With its butterfly-shaped blooms and winter colour, growing cyclamen is always a good idea. But knowing why your cyclamen is ...
Small changes can turn your garden into a sustainable oasis, reducing water usage and supporting biodiversity for a greener future.
Peach trees are easier to grow in some climates than others, but no matter where you are, a certain companion plant can help ...
In raking leaves from shrubs around the house I’ve noticed asps on a couple of hollies. What is the best way to eliminate ...
Wondering what bugs might sneak into your Georgia home this winter? It’s time to start thinking about those sneaky pests and ...
Houseplants add beauty to any indoor space, but they can sometimes face issues that impact their health. Issues like ...
INSV is a viral disease spread by thrips, a common houseplant pest. Identification: Holiday cactuses infected with INSV quite often are symptomless. The plant may look distorted or stunted, but not ...
Rats rely on their scent of smell to find food and avoid dangerous situations so a pest expert has shared five plants that ...
A gardener took to the r/arborists community on Reddit to ask for advice on a Washington navel orange tree they'd planted on ...
One Redditor was frustrated with landscaper's advice on herbicides, but other users explain why other options are better.