But before they said 'I do,' they made another legal commitment: They bought a house together. “We knew we loved ...
A couple purchased a house in Scotland and were told that not much was in the attic, but they discovered otherwise after they ...
For many couples and many more singles, home ownership is just a dream with house prices and the cost of living keeping them ...
We treated it like we were inviting people into our home,” Bill Barstow, who owns theaters with his wife, Colleen, told Yahoo ...
The annual celebration also brings about a renewed sense of commitment among some young couples, serving as the push they ...
With a new baby and new jobs, a couple searched the city’s residential neighborhoods with ‘little idea of what the real Miami ...
This mom of two young children is moving on after discovering her husband's affair. However, her friends placed an offer on ...
Justin Wong lives in British Columbia, Canada, but said he can't afford to buy a home there. So he nabbed a house across the ...
For many couples, the new symbol of commitment isn't an engagement ring, it's a house key. According to the Wall Street ...
‘There are also many situations where couples are breaking up but neither can afford to move until the house is sold, or ...
My husband and I realized we'd rather rent than buy a house. We spend our money on organic food and schools for our daughter, ...