He was pastor of a church at Shelburne ... of Vermont, and was 60 years of age. 8. -- THAXTER, A. WALLACE, a dramatic and literary critic, died in Boston, aged 32 years. 8. -- ADAMS, DANIEL ...
If you've ever flown in or out of Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport, you've benefited from the presence of ...
CONCORD, Vt. (AP) — Border Patrol agent killed in Vermont was a military veteran who worked at the Pentagon during 9/11, family says.
According to investigators, a 35-40 year old female used intimidation to steal a 16-year-old driver's vehicle from a parking lot in Shelburne.
The housing project could bring a maximum of 375 units to Shelburne, which would make it the largest housing development to date in the town. Twelve percent of the units will be reserved for folks ...
A Norwich University freshman from Connecticut died after he collapsed while training with classmates in Vermont on Wednesday, officials said. The student was identified as Cadet Daniel Bermudez ...
Police say a teen driver was carjacked in Shelburne on Thursday. It happened at about 5:45 p.m. at the business complex ...
She is the reason admission to Shelburne Museum is half-price for all Vermont residents, as well as being a major force, together with her husband, behind the preservation of the Ticonderoga ...
Shelburne, like other Vermont towns, is facing some hard financial choices this year. Health insurance costs for the town's 54 employees have risen 10 percent in a year, and the selectboard has ...
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, commonly known as PETA, is asking the Sherburne County ... PETA Vice President of Legal Advocacy Daniel Paden told the St. Cloud Times he believes ...
Kyle Kapitanski of the Shelburne Police Department ... They requested assistance from the Vermont State Police Crash Reconstruction Team. Later on the day of the crash, the South Burlington ...