when a shepherd famously happened upon a set of second-century biblical fragments that became known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. That discovery and others over the subsequent 15 years gave scholars a ...
that the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered at the site known as Khirbet Qumran. The Scrolls were discovered, according to the story that, now, many people know, of a shepherd boy wandering along ...
Introduction Half a century has now passed since a bedouin shepherd discovered a long-hidden cache of scrolls in a cave in cliffs above the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. The details of that ...
Legally, all the Scrolls became the Department's property on discovery; it could later dispose of the antiquities as it wished. The original finding of Cave One at Qumran, near the Dead Sea ...
The CEO of the Museum of the Bible in Washington hailed the mosaic as “the greatest discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls.” At the opening of the exhibition, he said: “We truly are among the ...
The discovery means that The University of Manchester is the only institution in the UK to possess authenticated textual fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The study was undertaken as part of a ...
Seen here as a gap high up in the cliffs of Qumran National Park in the West Bank, Cave 4 was the “mother lode” of Dead Sea Scrolls. Bedouin working at the Qumran excavations discovered the ...
The Dead Sea Scrolls are the oldest biblical texts ever found. The discovery gave us important clues about the everyday lives of the people who recorded these stories more than 2,000 years ago.
GB: The discovery through MSI that at least four Rylands fragments ... already a fundamental part of Dead Sea Scrolls research, will allow a more complete picture to emerge of one of the greatest ...