Easily one of the greatest situation comedies in the history of the medium is now respectfully available in the ultra-high ...
Costanza Caracciolo, intervistata dal Corriere della Sera, è tornata a parlare della sua vita al fianco di Christian Vieri, suo marito dal 18 marzo 2019, e della quotidianità a Milano, la città ...
Oren Cass’s “What Economists Could Learn From George Costanza”(The New York Times, December 23) has forgotten what economics Henry George taught. That’s the pundit named Cass who ...
L’ «organizzatrice» (a livelli professionali) è Costanza Caracciolo, 34 anni, imprenditrice, influencer (un milione e due di follower), mamma di Stella e Isabel e moglie di Christian Vieri ...
Frank's Festivus dinner brings together his wife, Estelle (Estelle Harris), George and his friends and a motley crew of hangers-on, including Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Tracey Letts as a skeezy ...
Spaghetti or meatloaf were both commonly accepted as the proper Festivus dish because it was difficult to distinguish what exactly Estelle Costanza served in the dinner scene. Thanks to the HD ...
Over its eight seasons, Seinfeld had an impressive amount of minor characters who were every bit as funny as the main cast and we're not talking about all of Jerry's girlfriends, either. Sometimes ...