"Akron Police officers will track down this suspect and arrest him so he can face justice for his cowardly actions." ...
Sgt. Kevin Thompson and Senior Police Officer Troy Daliet are two of at least nine DWI convictions of NOPD officers over the ...
The man who police say opened fire in the parking lot of the Catonsville police station on Thursday, and the Baltimore County ...
A mile-long section of I-65 near Lebanon could be named to memorialize Boone County Sheriff’s Deputy Jacob M. Pickett who was killed in the line of duty in March 2018. A resolution in the Indiana ...
The old Congressman still enjoyed dancing and according to one Washington reporter, Uncle Joe “swings a wicked shoulder, and shakes a mean foot” well into his ... Chicago for the convention of the ...
Great gaming bargain seasons don't come around very often, so now’s the perfect time to stock up on some absolute gems.
An ancient Roman cemetery in Trogir, Croatia, revealed a rare twin burial. Mana5280 via Unsplash In 2016, construction on a private parking lot in Trogir, Croatia, destroyed layers of an ancient ...
Gas prices jumped by almost $0.10 in the Twin Ports area March 17, 2005, raising the price of unleaded to $2.13 at most stations due to record oil prices at about $57 a barrel, with more price ...
Finally we have a judge who is following the law by considering the safety of the public by keeping a dangerous criminal locked up,' the FOP president said ...