Liam Neeson has starred in several famous movie franchises, but there was one that he decided to turn down. The role ended up ...
Russell's character in Death Proof is offensive and endearing. It's a vibe that Russell pulls off every time he does it. This line pretty much sums up how swarmy he can get in the movie.
The Guardians of the Galaxy are incredibly quotable, having some of the best lines of dialogue in the entire Marvel Cinematic ...
Jennifer Lopez's dramatic entrance with "Kiss of the Spider Woman" turned the festival's attention to dark and funny films ...
The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most beloved films ever, and characters like Morgan Freeman's Red and Tim Robbins' ...
The thing is, this misquoting individual might be easily forgiven. In fact, there are some famous movie quotes that are often misquoted. Now, in the modern era of the internet — and people ...
It's hardly a secret that Disney spares no expense on making its movies. The exceptions are its computer-animated pictures ...
What happens when the filmmaker behind an Oscar-winning Johnny Cash biopic asks you to be the next actor to slip into the ...
When Harry Met Sally alums Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, clad in his character’s iconic sweater, announced they are reuniting ...
Director Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan is an award-winning war epic with some memorable dialogue. These are the film's best lines.
However, they're far from the last line of defense ... Throughout the movie, Rusty Ryan’s trademark action is eating. In several scenes, Brad Pitt’s character munches on various snacks.
Bob Uecker had the kind of career stat line that would be sad if it ... Baseball and movies are known for their characters — movies for the characters in them, baseball for characters who ...