Ermeiyaoxiaodao (@二枚腰小道): GFW (Great Firewall of China) has blocked all Google services, including Google Scholar ... The site’s introduction further invites participants to ...
Harness the power of technology to reshape the tasks that make up your day. Here are the best AI tools to use in higher ...
Rachelle Dené Poth is a Spanish and STEAM emerging technology teacher. She is also an EdTech IT Influencer and holds a Juris ...
Multi-dimensional social relationships dynamically shape attentional biases toward in-group and out-group conspecifics in monkeys, with oxytocin modulating these interactions to reveal neurobiological ...
Haemorrhage remains the leading cause of death, despite the existence of effective clinical interventions, emphasising the ...
An ambitious start-up embodies new optimism that artificial intelligence can turbocharge scientific discovery.
Recurrent spiking networks that process input stimuli with optimal efficiency have key emerging properties that are similar to those of biological neural networks.
The great writer in Gefter arguably describes George and Martha best: “She has been starved for love; he has been defeated - ...
Background: Whether people experiencing homelessness (PEH) have different COVID-19 outcomes than housed patients in Canada remains unclear. We sought to ascertain whether rates of in-hospital ...
Back pain affects 619 million people worldwide and is a common reason to seek primary health care. A key challenge is that ...
Novelized accounts of historical figures’ lives are hugely popular. But do we really want to draw back the curtain on history ...
THE conception that drugs act by metabolic interference has been latent in pharmacology throughout the growth of chemotherapy and biochemistry. This note traces its development to the status of a ...