The ongoing arc of Spy x Family, Term Break Arc, follows Anya and her students on their vacation. The arc begins with Anya and her classmates spending time with their families and attending a ...
Why is Digimon X-Evolution a Forgotten Movie? X-Evolution was the first feature in the Digimon franchise to be completely in 3D CGI. The franchise has always played around with 3D animation ...
Anime Defenders is a super popular tower defense game on Roblox, where players collect and upgrade a series of iconic heroes from popular anime series to defend their bases and level up. However ...
Gothic horror has captivated audiences for generations, combining spine-chilling atmospheres with richly textured storytelling. From crumbling castles to ghostly apparitions, these films transport ...
The Netflix Anime YouTube channel just recently uploaded a clip for a spy anime film that has captured the attention and hearts of many anime lovers. The movie is called 'Spy X Family CODE: White ...