Fico said in a video message posted on Facebook that his Smer party would consider cutting electricity supplies to Ukraine, lowering aid to Ukrainian refugees, and demanding the renewal of gas ...
Ci mancheranno la sua esperienza e la sua competenza sempre al servizio del suo territorio e della nostra regione. Ai suoi cari le più sentite condoglianze". Così l'ex presidente della Camera, Roberto ...
Dopo Viktor Orbán, è Robert Fico ad aprire un’altra breccia nell’Ue a favore del Cremlino. Il leader slovacco tornato al potere un anno fa dopo scandali e sconfitte e scampato a un attentato ...
Dec 28 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy accused Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico on Saturday of opening a "second energy front" against Ukraine on the orders of Russia ...
Il prezzo del metano, in tensione da giorni in Europa ... Per il premier slovacco filo-Putin Robert Fico, la questione è di sicurezza nazionale. E considererà misure "reciproche" contro Kiev ...
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico told Russian President Vladimir Putin during a recent visit to Moscow that his country was prepared to broker peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, the TASS news ...
Two former prime ministers gathered with political activists in front of Slovakia’s government building in Bratislava on Monday to protest a meeting between their prime minister, Robert Fico, and ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticised Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico for his stance on Russian gas imports, accusing him of helping President Vladimir Putin fund the war in Ukraine.
President Volodymyr Zelensky on Dec. 23 accused Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico of undermining Europe's efforts to become independent of Russian gas and helping Moscow to fund its war against ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico's desire to do business with Russia is a security issue for both Slovakia and the whole of Europe. "Such ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is weakening Europe by helping Russia's leader Vladimir Putin finance its war against Ukraine. Fico met with Putin on ...
"Oggi ho incontrato il presidente Putin a Mosca. Ha confermato la disponibilità della Russia a continuare a fornire gas all'Occidente e alla Slovacchia": così il premier slovacco Robert Fico su ...