Sylvia Kang became a millionaire at 37 as the CEO of Mira. She says it affected the way she connects with friends, but she ...
I was diagnosed with celiac disease at 18. Since then, I've had to set and stick to clear boundaries when dining with my ...
“Often there is an outpouring of support in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, but it dissipates with time,” she said.
Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how February 15, 2025, will be for you and by what measures you can improve this day.
Dr. Barbara Frederickson’s and Dr. John Gottman’s research demonstrates that three social connections a day not only can help ...
Yes, Dennis has health problems from time to ... Enjoying time with friends –escaping the loneliness trap so many old people fall into – is a great way to promote mental alertness and stay ...
So, What Is the Invisible String Theory? The invisible string theory is the notion that your person is esoterically attached to you already through an invisible, metaphorical stri ...
When someone cuts you off due to envy, you can see warning signs, like if you notice that they downplay everything you say or ...
A friend, who was recently diagnosed with dementia, keeps pushing to plan a trip with the letter writer, who doesn’t want to ...
Kathleen Daly, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist, shares self-care strategies for people living with metastatic breast ...
Finding a close-knit circle of friends can take time, but once you do, it’s one of life’s greatest treasures. These are the friends you can count on for honesty, even if it means hearing hard truths.
This is especially important for preserving your mental health. (Pexels) Dealing with difficult people close to you, like family members or close friends, requires a balance of empathy ...