A new study analyzing a lake formed by a glacier surge in the Karakoram Mountains has revealed how satellite images can be used to monitor the potential for lake drainage hazards.
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are among the most energetic phenomena observed in the universe. These luminous objects, powered ...
The Israel-Hamas war has devastated the Gaza Strip. Satellite photos offer some sense of the destruction in the territory.
The concentration of the population in cities is accelerating, and difficulties in maintaining various infrastructures are ...
However, the efficacy of UAV-deployed image detection systems is often limited by the resolution of captured images and the altitudinal constraints of UAV operations. This paper introduces a novel ...
Clouds from infrared image combined with static colour image of surface. False-colour infrared image with colour-coded temperature ranges and map overlay. Raw infrared image with map overlay. Raw ...
Don't let the size of this satellite dish fool you; you can connect up to 128 devices, and it promises low latency. This is especially important for achieving a lag-free online gaming experience.
A timelapse of satellite images showing the incredibly cloudy December we just had here in Ontario byu/HedgeKeeper inontario As one person wrote in a separate post just days before the footage was ...
Multiview matching with deep-learning and hand-crafted local features for COLMAP and other SfM software. Supports high-resolution formats and images with rotations. Both CLI and GUI are supported.
SINGAPORE: For the first time, students from a Singapore high school have built a nanosatellite ... He helped customise the satellite's image compressor by studying documents from the National ...
Slowly but surely, Starlink is growing into a leading broadband internet alternative. Its network of low Earth orbit satellites ensures its users high-speed internet access, even in areas where ...