Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Sunday announced a $1 million prize for experts or organisations that succeed in deciphering the scripts of the Indus Valley Civilisation for everyone to ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential and scope to assist scholars and researchers in deciphering the scripts of the Indus Valley Civilisation, and taking more information to the larger ...
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Sunday threw an ancient unsolved riddle towards the people, sparking amusement around the Indus valley script once again. The Indus valley script remains a ...
Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin asserted on Sunday that the discovery of the Indus Valley civilisation disproves the myth that Aryan civilisation and Sanskrit formed the foundation ...
The Indus Valley Civilization, existing from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE, is one of the world's earliest urban cultures. Mohenjo Daro, the main city of the Indus Civilization discovered by Sir John Marshall.
The chief minister reiterated that the history of the Indian subcontinent cannot be written without Tamil Nadu or Tamil language With the script of the Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) remaining a ...
Stalin made the announcement during the centenary valedictory event marking the discovery of the Indus Valley Civilisation by Sir John Marshall. He also unveiled the foundation for a statue ...
The Tamil Nadu government on Sunday announced that it will offer a prize of $1 million, or Rs 8.5 crore, to any expert or organisation that succeeds in deciphering the script of the Indus Valley ...
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin announced a $1 million reward for anyone who deciphers the Indus Valley script. At an international conference on the centenary of the Indus Valley ...
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin has announced a $1 million prize for deciphering the script of the Indus Valley Civilisation, an enigma that endures more than a century after Sir John Marshall ...