This place tells the story of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana's Northwest roots ... Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 121 W Wishkah St, Aberdeen, WA 98520 360-747-7648 ...
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana's hometown of Aberdeen, Washington chose to honor the influential musician with a plaque placed under the bridge where Cobain used to compose music. The plaque featured a number ...
Born Kurt Donald Cobain, in the small town of Aberdeen, Washington, on February 20, 1967, the shy child of a broken home found some answers to his troubles in music, as he shuttled from home to ...
For a die-hard indie kid defined by '90s music, I was set on making a pilgrimage to the city that gave us Nirvana and going straight to the park that had become a shrine to Kurt Cobain.
Plays Thursday to Wednesday, January 3 to 9, at the Pacific Cinémathí¨que What would have pleased Kurt Cobain most about ... the lens of Wyatt Troll, Aberdeen's sawmills and blue-collar streets ...