New research uses AI to engineer enzymes with intricate active sites, expanding the possibilities for synthetic biocatalysts.
New research represents a notable step forward in designing enzymes from scratch. With their approach, the authors designed an enzyme that uses a covalent intermediate to catalyze a two-step reaction, ...
Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) to design brand-new enzymes that can go through multi-step reactions, a ...
To solve that problem, a team of German researchers at the Technical University in Berlin figured that, instead of having a ...
A complementary drug to combat Alzheimer’s disease could target a specific part of the nerve cell protein tau. This is the ...
Boffins plan to set a vampire trap to lure out aliens hiding on Mars using a chemical in human blood. Astrobiologists are ...
A new chemotaxis-based method could revolutionize the search for extraterrestrial life by detecting microbes movement on Mars ...