and the Mayor of Gotham City (voice) in the 2017 animated superhero comedy film The Lego Batman Movie in a career that spans 1990–present and 1986–present and 1989–present. Her zodiac sign is Aries.
The have been a LOT of Batman movies and with those come many different versions of the character. From Tim Burton's cringy ...
LEGO has been a fun way to showcase superheroes in a brand-new light, and one iconic hero could be ideal for his own spin-off ...
Batman has been around for a long time as a cinematic character, and some more controversial movie decisions with him have ...
The Joker, terrifying though he is, looks adorable as a LEGO Minifigure. LEGO Batman sets tend to cycle very quickly, from the time that they're launched to the time they're retired. The designers ...
well, let's just say that not every movie is destined to be a box office hit. We've put together this list ranking every Batman movie from worst to best, so you know which ones are worth your time ...
That’s according to director Andy Muschietti, who had this to say about the topic during a recent interview: “I’m now writing a science fiction movie that I would like to do… Batman is a ...
We’ve seen a huge cast of characters in the trailer for that movie, and it’s not unreasonable to imagine that Batman could make an appearance as well. If not, there are three other movies ...
News of the latest delay for The Batman 2 comes from Deadline which reported that the sequel to The Batman had slipped nearly a full year. Production on the movie hasn’t even started yet, so it ...
The creative director for Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal, Hugo Martin, is the game director of Doom: The Dark Ages - and he’s a big Batman fan.
Among their plans is an official DCU Batman movie, The Brave and the Bold, which is set to introduce a new Caped Crusader alongside Damian Wayne as Robin. However, this ambitious endeavor is ...
While guesting on the California Secreta podcast, Muschetti said: I’m now writing a science fiction movie that I would like to do… Batman is a project that’s been postponed a bit.