An electronics enthusiast recently shared an impressive project called Tiny Battle Bots, inspired by the popular BattleBots game show. This creative endeavor combines 3D printing and custom PCB design ...
Ink stamps can be fun to make and use, and 3D printers are uniquely positioned to create quality stamps of all kinds with ...
Caltech researchers have developed PAMs, a novel material that blends the properties of solids and liquids, making them ...
Discover how Formlabs' Form 4 and Form 3+ SLA 3D printers outperform competitors in reliability and print success rate.
Just when you think you’ve learned all the latest 3D printing tricks, [TenTech] shows up with an update to their Fuzzyficator ...
A talented Pokemon fan online has given a claw machine found at Goodwill a unique makeover based on the popular franchise.
D printing has already changed the way we think about manufacturing in a variety of industries, but its impact on firearms is ...
As 3D-printing technology has improved, more projects of this type have popped up around the world. Europe's first social ...
Officials say a man is charged after a firearms investigation led to the seizure of 10 non-serialized weapons and 3D printing equipment.
Researchers at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering have used machine learning to design nano ...
Shares of 3D Systems climbed after the company announced a partnership with a unit of Daimler Truck to print spare vehicle parts.