Zatiaľ čo mladá švajčiarska lyžiarka Malorie Blancová prekvapila športovú verejnosť rýchlym návratom na svahy Svetového ...
Talianska lyžiarka Federica Brignoneová zvíťazila v sobotnom zjazde Svetového pohára v nemeckom stredisku Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Na zjazdovke ...
The Olympic slalom champion Petra Vlhova will not be competing at the World Championships in Austria next month. The athlete ...
Olympic slalom champion Petra Vlhova will miss the World Championships in Austria next month, with the Slovak racer still ...
Olympic slalom champion Petra Vlhova will miss the Alpine skiing world championships next month and her team says she's ...
Olympic slalom champion Petra Vlhova will miss the upcoming World Championships in Austria due to a knee injury. Despite being unable to compete, her recovery is progressing well. Vlhova aims to ...
The result pushed Rast back to the top of both the slalom and overall season standings. With injured slalom stars Mikaela Shiffrin and Petra Vlhova missing, Rast had a frenetic final run to improve ...
FLACHAU, Austria (AP) — Swiss skier Camille Rast earned the second World Cup victory of her breakthrough season Tuesday, leading teammate Wendy Holdener for a Swiss 1-2 finish at a night slalom ...
With injured slalom stars Mikaela Shiffrin and Petra Vlhova missing, Rast had a frenetic final run to improve from eighth position and beat runner-up Holdener by 0.16 seconds. Rast became the ...
Niekdajšieho bystrického bossa priviedli na Špecializovaný trestný súd v Pezinku, aby vypovedal v opakovanom procese s Robertom Lališom, alias Kýblom, bývalým bossom sýkorovcov. V roku 1997 mal po ...