Mustafa Suleyman, chief executive of the company’s Microsoft AI group, announced the new team today in a series of posts on X. It will be known as the Advanced Planning Unit, or APU for short. The ...
Microsoft says that it's creating a new unit to will help it understand the implications of AI the company hopes to build.
A team of engineers, physicists and computer specialists at Canadian company, Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc., has unveiled ...
India’s rapid strides in quantum tech with NQM, startups, and research hubs position it for a breakthrough in cryptography, AI, finance & cloud computing.
Being a quantum pioneer is turning out to be an expensive experiment. Quantum is still years away from widespread enterprise ROI.
Global Quantum Intelligence co-founder Doug Finke in an IBD interview talks about key developments for quantum computing ...
If quantum is three to five years behind AI in technology development, is 2025 the equivalent of what 2022 was for AI?
Google's near-term potential looks bright. Click here to read more on how AI can help improve the outlook for GOOGL stock.
Quantum computing has captured the imagination of investors. Despite the tech's multidecade timeline to maturity and possible widespread use, most quantum computing stocks have soared since President ...
On the heels of some big quantum computing advances in 2024, at least one company is telling businesses to get “quantum ready ...