By doing so, she is telling her friends how much they need to spend and depriving them of the fun of choosing a special gift ...
My instinct is to return the item in a little bag with a note saying it isn’t mine. But somehow that feels rude, presumptuous ...
GENTLE READER: Your confidence that you are not required to reciprocate in your apartment, though technically correct, ...
Miss Manners suggests a compromise, but only for your more intimate friends: Ask one or two of them to keep you company while ...
As cut-throat as Parliamentary politics is, getting a nursery space for Commons tots might just top it ...
Jennifer Brimming, the newly appointed principal at the St Budeaux school is asking parents and carers to send in suggestions ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: For my 40th birthday, my sister planned a bowling party. She is very organized, and pre-entered the names ...
At a bowling party for my 40th birthday, my dad brought his girlfriend. It didn’t take her long to try to take over the whole ...
But if they are talking pleasantries, you may smile or laugh or add something and see if it takes. There is a good chance ...
Dear Miss Manners: A pair of neighbors hosted my wife and me for an impromptu dinner, to which we contributed a nice salad.
No one knew what to say or how to stop her, since we don’t really even know her, and no one wanted her to be uncomfortable.