A new study published Tuesday found drinking coffee in the morning may help people live longer compared to drinking the beverage throughout the day.
A good cup of coffee can set the tone for the day ahead. Our readers shared their favorite ways to savor that morning magic. The winner this week is Robert Peterson with a photo of a classic cup ...
Researchers have found that enjoying your coffee in the morning may have more benefits than spreading your consumption throughout the day. More than 40,000 adults in the US took part in long-term ...
But there’s one thing you finally don’t need to say no to: your morning coffee. And scientists even have our backs on this one. Praise be! As with so much in life, timing is everything ...
They found that 36% of the study participants were morning coffee drinkers, 16% drank their coffee throughout the day, and the rest (48%) didn't drink coffee at all. When they compared those who ...